Figuring out

”You’re just saying that to disagree with me.” The mother looked at her daughter as if trying to discipline a child.

Elise is over fifty and has rarely agreed with her mother on anything. The danger of growing up with a mother who tried to dictate her every thought was that she did, in fact not really know why she liked a particular piece of clothing, whether it was because she genuinely like it or whether she just liked it because she knew her mother would hate it. She is, in fact, still figuring out who she is.

For years she had dressed the way her mother would, but everything looked frumpy on her because she was way too young for that kinds of clothes. She was still trying to figure herself out, who she was, what her taste in clothes were, whether she was as prejudiced as her mother or not. At least she knew that she liked green; it had been her favourite colour ever since she was a kid. She had saved her weekly allowance and bought herself a pea-green top, which her mother had hated. But she had loved it and grieved when she outgrew it.

Inspired by The Daily Post: Disagree


2 reaktioner på ”Figuring out

  1. Hejsan min fina vän! Jag känner så väl igen mig i dina ord. I många år så kunde jag inte stå ut med den stil som min egen mamma ofta bar. Jag höll mig så långt ifrån det som möjligt om jag ska vara ärlig. Det är först nu som jag har börjat se kläder för vad jag skulle trivas i och inte vem som det skulle kunna förknippas med. Väldigt bra skrivet!

    Gillad av 1 person

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